AboutAbout Arutmin


To become the coal mining company that excels to fulfill energy needs and provides a positive impact on its stakeholders.


  • Achieve the company's business goals by increasing productivity through effective and efficient operations.

  • Support government programs in fulfilling the needs of environmentally-friendly energy resources and create sustainable values for communities and the nation.

  • Build a harmonious relationship with the government, communities, and corporate partners in reaching our business goals.

  • Support nature and environment conservation by building sustainable values under Government programs.


Fulfill Energy For A Better Life

Arutmin hopes to deliver a positive impact on all stakeholders and help create a better quality of life for communities.



The signing of the PKP2B Contract with the Government of Indonesia.

1983 - 1987

Field Exploration Period.

1988 - 1989

Mine infrastructure development and trial-mine at Senakin Site and Satui Site.


The commencement of commercial coal production at the Senakin and Satui Site.



Production level 6 million tons/ year, 4 million tons/ year at Senakin Site and 2 million tons/ year at Satui Site.


North Pulau Laut Coal Terminal (NPLCT) started its operations with a shipping capacity of up to 10 million tons per year.


Arutmin operated its own mining equipment at both the Senakin and Satui Site with a production rate of 9 million tons/ year.


The Strategic Alliance contract with PT Thiess Contractor Indonesia commenced and all operations at the Senakin and Satui Site are run by PT Thiess Contractor Indonesia.


The opening of the Batulicin Site and the beginning of coal production from the Ata Block and the Mangkalapi Block.


The opening of Asamasam Site for the production of Ecocoal 4200 GAR low calorie.


The opening of the Kintap Site for the production of Ecocoal 4200 GAR low calorie.


Izin Usaha Pertambangan Khusus (IUPK) granted by Government of Indonesia


Ido Hotna Hutabarat

Chief Executive Officer

Ido Hotna Hutabarat earned a Bachelor of Mining Engineering from the Department of Metallurgy, Bandung Institute of Technology in 1990 and a Master's degree in Science Management from the Arthur D. Little School of Management, USA,   in 1997.

Before being CEO, he positioned GM Mineral Resources and GM Contracts and Projects (MRCP) at PT Arutmin Indonesia since May 2010. His career includes various levels in PT BUMI Resources serving his last position as Chief Marketing Officer. Before joining PT Arutmin Indonesia, Ido was appointed as Investor Relations at PT Timah and Business Planning Manager at PT Cemex Indonesia.

Sanjay Kumar Jain

Chief Financial Officer

Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Sanjay Kumar Jain earned a Bachelor of Commerce from Rajasthan University, Jaipur, in 1983 and a Chartered Accountant in 1988.

He has been serving as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at PT Arutmin Indonesia since 1 August 2012. Before joining PT Arutmin Indonesia, Sanjay was positioned as Financial Controller at Hindustan Construction Company Ltd., Mumbai (Maharashtra) from April 2010 to July 2012. From July 2004 to April 2010, he served as Head - Of corporate Budget & Financial Concurrence at Tata Teleservices Ltd, Mumbai (Maharashtra).

Sudirman Widhy Hartono

General Manager Engineering, Contract, Maintenance & Project

Sudirman Widhy Hartono earned a Bachelor of Mining Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 1995 and Master Management from Binus University in 2022.

He began working at PT Arutmin Indonesia in 1995, after serving at various levels at Senakin Mine and Satui Mine, he served as General Manager Operations from 2009 to 2021 and then as General Manager of Engineering, Contract, Maintenance & Project until now.

Ezra Sibarani

General Manager Legal and External Affairs

Ezra Sibarani holds a Bachelor's degree in Law from Padjadjaran University and earned a Master of Law from the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom.

He has worked for PT Arutmin Indonesia for over 5 years with his last position as Legal Compliance Manager. A member of several professional associations in the mining, advocacy and arbitration industries, Ezra has worked in several leading mining companies including practising law in various law firms before joining Arutmin.

Umar Hadi

General Manager Operations

Umar Hadi earned a Bachelor of Mining Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 1991 and Master Management from Binus University in 2022. He has been working at PT Arutmin Indonesia for 16 years. Before joining Arutmin again, he once worked for PT Pamapersada Nusantara after serving for 6 years.

After serving as Mine Manager at Batulicin Mine and SHEC Manager, he served as Assistant General Manager Operations from 2014 to 2021 and then as General Manager Operations effective August 16, 2021, until now.

AboutOrganizational Structure